
Grief and Hope in the Loss of Corporate Worship

Grief and Hope in the Loss of Corporate Worship

In 1970 Joni Mitchell released the song, “Big Yellow Taxi.” In that song she sang a familiar refrain that we can probably all agree with: “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone?”

As God’s people, we find the current suspension of our church services to be extremely distressing. We’ve lost something, haven’t we? And we at Grace Covenant Church find ourselves in the same painful providence as many other faithful churches across the world. We are all feeling the excruciating thirst that results from the loss of corporate worship.

6 Encouraging Truths for Difficult Times

6 Encouraging Truths for  Difficult Times

As I write this, over 1,000 people in the U.S. have now died from COVID-19, or the coronavirus. This is sobering news. We must not take this lightly, for this is indeed a very serious disaster that has already claimed the lives of thousands worldwide and authorities say the worst is still to come.

In light of this ominous and unseen threat that hangs over our world like a large, dark cloud, I want to offer you some encouragement from God’s Word. While we are wise to take this virus seriously, we as Christians must not give in to fear, “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Tim. 1:7).

Here are some important truths to keep in mind as we anticipate the impending trouble before us: