Building Tomorrow’s Church National Conference

Building Tomorrow’s Church is a conference ministry of Grace Covenant Church.

Building Tomorrow’s Church, or BTC, is a one-of-a-kind ministry with the purpose of encouraging the next generation of the church—specifically confessional baptists—to remain faithful and active in their service to Christ and his bride.

Born in 2007 out of a growing concern over young adults leaving the church and a lack of conferences focused on the importance of the church, BTC has always sought to see the next generation truly love Christ and his bride. We desire to see this generation of churchgoers filled with a sincere enthusiasm for strengthening the body of Christ by pursuing godly living, confessing biblical truths, and actively serving in local churches.

We at Grace Covenant Church are continually encouraged by hosting Building Tomorrow's Church conference each year as we continue to meet young men and women who are serious about their faith and intent on serving Christ in their local churches.

Most of all we are encouraged by the truth that Christ continues to build His Church on this earth in every generation, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.